Cyber Security Awareness Month


Every October we celebrate Cyber Security Awareness Month and help you become more aware of cyber threats and how you and your employees can be more cyber smart.

The theme for 2024 is "Secure Our World".

The five focus areas this year are:

Cyber security awareness training

Enabling multi-factor authentication

Using strong passwords and a password manager 

Recognising and reporting phishing

Updating software 

Grey Matter can help you with all of these areas

We have a team of accreditated cyber security experts and partner with a wide range of leading and niche cyber security software vendors.
We even offer some cyber security technical services too. 

Contact us to book a demo or consultation.

Below we have shared more details about each of the focus areas, and key resources we recommend you to take a look at.

Cyber Security Training

Cyber security awareness training

Cyber security awareness training teaches individuals and employees how to recognise and respond to cyber threats and protect sensitive information. It covers topics like phishing, password security, malware detection, and safe internet practices.

The benefits include reducing the risk of cyberattacks, safeguarding personal and organisational data, minimising financial losses, maintaining customer trust, and ensuring regulatory compliance. Ultimately, cyber security awareness training empowers individuals to become a critical line of defence against cyber threats, enhancing overall security posture for both individuals and organisations.

Multi-factor authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a form of authentication that requires a user to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to a resource, such as an application, VPN, or online account. One factor is typically something you have, such as a mobile (which often a code is sent) or fingerprint - to verify your identity, and the other is a username or password.

This makes it harder for cyber criminals to steal credentials and therefore the risk of data breach smaller. MFA is often required for compliance with certain data regulations.


Strong passwords and password management

Strong passwords are integral.

Here are some tips on how to create great passwords:

  • Use a mixture of upper and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters
  • For ease of remembering, make it a memorable (but not identifiable) phrase
  • More than 8 characters
  • Don't use the same password anywhere else

Password managers are an efficient and secure way for employees to manage a large number of passwords. You only need to remember one password and then securely gain access to all your login details in one place. IT managers and admins can implement them for teams and individuals.

Recognising and reporting phishing

Phishing is the fraudulent practice of sending emails pretending to be from reputable organisations to encourage individuals to share their personal information, like credit card numbers and passports.

To help stop phishing, you can:

  • Use cyber security training platforms to educate staff on what phishing is and how to look out phishing
  • Run phishing tests to see which employees need more training
  • Use anti-malware, SIEM, and endpoint threat prevention to prevent these sorts of attacks from making their way through to your employees' mailboxes

Software updates

Updating and patching software regularly ensure the software and applications are up to date with the latest bug fixes and security features.

Malware enables hackers to take control of computers and steal critical and personal information. Malware can also encrypt files, documents and other programs so they are unusable. Security patches block these open doors in the software to protect a device from attacks. So having patch management in place is really important. In addition, you also need to make sure you're not using legacy software, as it could be very vulnerable to cyber-attacks and compatibility issues.

But it doesn't stop there - there are other cyber security solutions available

To have multi-layered protection you can count on, you should also implement the following solutions.

Web Filtering

Protect employees from clicking on fraudulent websites that could cause phishing attacks, ransomware or other forms of attack and data breaches.


Restore all your data should it get stolen by hackers or lost accidentally.


Lock critical and personal data and only allow access to approved personnel. Prevent hackers from gaining access.

Cloud Security

Monitor Azure security configuration and receive alerts for potential or actual security breaches.

Head to our dedicated Cyber Security Solutions page to find out more about the vast range of cyber security software and services we offer. A combination of which can help you qualify for Cyber Essentials and Cyber Insurance.

Our partners

Backup, anti-malware, and patch management

Email, app, cloud and network security

Endpoint protection, MEDR, encryption, patch management and email security

Email security, access management, endpoint detection and patch management 

Cyber security awareness training, and phishing testing

Endpoint security, patch management and MDR

Password Manager, Patch Management and more

Backup, access management, and authentication

Penetration testing and cyber security assessments

Endpoint, network, cloud and email security

Endpoint security

Backup and restore physical, cloud and virtual data

Speak to our cyber security experts

Book a consultation now with Scott Harrison or James McKenny, our cyber security specialists.

Call: +44 (0) 1364 654 181


Other regions: Visit the contact us page

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